Sunday, September 29, 2019

Baby colics !

baby colic

First of all we have to exclude (surgical causes ) which mean causes that need urgent surgical interventions,  eg : ( intestinal obstruction , congenital anomalies of gut ) .
 in these cases there are some red signs that we must take care of them as : ( bloody diarrhea or bloody tinged mucus per rectum , rigid tender abdomen , severe vomiting , severe distension , pallor , continuous crying  or weak crying in severe cases)
if these signs are present , you have to go to the nearest ER !
after we exclude surgical causes , and colics are intermittent and baby is increasing in weight , suckling well
Do not worry , the baby is safe !
colics are very common and most of them are idiopathic with no obvious cause !!
some other causes are :
formula feeding , because most of formula milks are cow milk based , some of there substances when fermented by gut Flora , produce gases which cause distension and colic .
in breast fed babies , poor latch on and crying cause introduction of large amount of air bubbles with milk , which in turn cause gases , distension and colics
most of substances of mother's food , are secreted in milk eg:( garlic , onions , spices , coffee , ..)
and they cause distension and colics !

so how we can relieve our babies !!
medical ttt is helpful in some case , but fortunately in most of cases simple tips are helpful and effective .

* put your baby on your shoulder and do gentle pushes on there back from downwards upwards .
* put them on their backs and bicycling their legs towards their abdomen , gently
* put them on their belly on your lap and do gentle pushes on their backs ( make sure that their faces are not facing lap or floor and that they are breathing easily )

in first 6 months of life , breast milk or formula ( when needed)
no herbs or other fluids are allowed ..

Try these simple tips , and you will see how effective they are !
have a nice day ! :)

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